Sunday, July 5, 2009

Woo!!! So LONG Alry Ah? Shut Up!

Phew... And... NTH!!! I Just Came Back From A Cruise From Harbourfront. It Lasted 2 And A Half Day. HAHA! It Was Kinda Fun.. But I Spend Most Of The Time In Arcades. The Food There.. OH MAN... Everything Was A Buffet... You Can Eat Till U Burst And Ur Toe Nails Drop Off. LOL! Nvm... As I Was Saying... The Cabins Was Like(Blah Blah Blah.. Talks A Lot Of Crap)And A Nice Balcony View. Ok.. I Think Thts All.

Till Then( I Dunno When?)... FuttBuckered!

P.S. Not Tht I Wan To Hao Lian Or Show Off But It Was Really A Fun Experience. >.<


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