Thursday, March 12, 2009

Butt - Slaping

So I Finished.. Oh HI!

Tht Was Nothing... I Juz.. NVM.. So Finally I Remebered To Post Blog.. Woots.. LOL.. Ya So Went To Sch.. Oh Btw Kena Throat Infection.. What the Mother Black Forest Cake.. Haha.. LOL.. So I Aimed Not To Talk To Prevent Any Further Infection. Yup. Don't Ask Why, If Not LONG PANTS U! LOL!

So Lets Start... First Period... Maths.. Walao... So Interesting... Not! Can Sleep Sia.. Will Not Elaborate. Next Was DNT.. OKOK... (Haizzz... I Shall Skip To Impt Events)

So After School Thought There Was History So We Racked Our Brains thinking Of Whether To Go Or Not... So After Much Thought We Decided Not To Go... Until Dave Told Me There Was No Hist.. Woo!

So We Went To Opp 307 Bus-Stop To Play DM... As Usual.. Laugh Like Mad.. Haha.. So Until Then Went home With Them... Finally... After A Long Day.. So Until then Cya... >.<


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