Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hmm... Todae Was One Of The Worst Day For The Week... First Of All.. Did Not Get To Plae Dm With Akid, Moin And Rahimin!!! WALAO! Coz They Hav Dunno Wad NCC Thing?? Haizzz So Had To Go Home Myself.. Yeah.. And Secondly... Had To Do Dnt Homework Homework.. WTH??? The Side Effects.. NOOOO!!!! LOL! So As I Was Saying.. Had To Render My Design For Tommorow's Lesson.. But The good Thing Todae Is Tht There Were Fewer Lessons Coz Almost Half Of The Class Didn't Come To School Todae.. And Hope To Plae With Them Again Someday Near.. Cya..


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