Sunday, February 27, 2011


This Is A Mexican Walking Fish. Its Close To Extinction. ): SAD!!!! Why Sia?? Soo Innocent!!! And CUTEEE. Arghh~!! Frustrated.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Boom! A New Post Appeared!

Quick! Weaken It And Throw A Pokeball! Hahahaa! Too Bored Liao. Damn It. Don't Know What To Do Now Seh. And Monday Is Tomorrow! WTF BOOOOOM! I Don't Know What To Say Seh. HAHAHAHA!! I Going Nuts Liao. -.- Soo Recently Got To TCG With My Usual 3. Yeah. Now My Deck Beat Everyone At Least Once. Like Finally. -.- I Bought It Like 3 Weeks Ago, Only Until Know Then Win. Sian Sia... Sad! ); Haisss... Soo I Guess Until Next Time? O.o

Signing Off,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Woo! I'm Back Baby!

Lol. Too Bored.. Nothing To Do, So I'm Just Randomly Filling Up Spaces On This Screen You Are Seeing Right Now. Don't See It? Get An Eye Check. -.- LOL. Hahahaaa. What To Do. Hmm.. Today In School Almost Fell Asleep. Oh Wow.. Like Its The First Time? Of Course Not.. Well... Idk What Now.. End Here First. Chow~

Signing Off,
