Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Wah.. Today Arh... Very Boring Seh.. NOT! June FOOL!!!(With Moin Tone). XP Ahaahaahh!! ROFLMAO At Art Room Today, ROFL Played Arm Wrestling, Threw Paint, Many Other Crazy Stuff. LOLOL!!! Play Until Tired.. Sad... Now Nothing To Do.. Nothing Much That I Can Do Either. =.= Soo... Till Next Time I Guess? (:


Monday, June 28, 2010


Feeling Awkward.. Dk Why. LOL Haiss.. Need To Find The Cause Of It, And SOLVE It QUICK!!!!



Random ^

Ahaha.. Nothing To Do, Woo! Endured A Day Of Leg Pain. XP 4 More Days Till I Can Get A Proper Rest. :X But Its Ok~ ^^ So.. Till Next Time?


Saturday, June 26, 2010

); I'm Just So Afraid Of Losing You~

Just Want To Say, That I'm Really Glad That I Got To Know You. It Was Sucha Great Impact In My Life.. Like A Spark Of Light In A Dark Room, It Gave Me Happiness.. (:
I'm Just Afraid That I May Never Get To See You Again. Haiss.. Tmr Will Be The Day That Will Decide. Faith And Believing Will Be Crucial Here~ I Just Hope That Everything Will Be Fine.. T.T


Friday, June 25, 2010

Heavy Price Paid...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hmm? X.X

Hahaha.. I'm Mad Now. Losing My Mind.. Huh? June Fool!(April Fool)... NOT! Idk And Idc. Maybe Just A Song For Now? Ahaha!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Falling.. Falling And Falling

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Haiss.. Super Touching. ;/


Monday, June 21, 2010


Ahaha! Today Just Blur A Bit, So Dk What To Write. XDD

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Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hmm, So Today.. Nothing Much Happen.. So Idk What To Write Now? LOL! XDD So Just Upload Picture Again Lor~ Ahaha!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sudden Feeling...

Yoo! Today A Bit Tiring, So Will Only Be Posting A Picture I Made Randomly.. ;X Ahehe.. XD Its Up There ^ Sooo.. I Guess Till Next Time? Hahhah!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Back Again.. LOL


Nothing New, Nothing To Say.. Just a Song For Now...



Yoo! Back From Short DnT Workshopping. LOL! Drilled My Finger..Ouch ;/ But Nvm. XD Later Than I Update This, Now Going Sleep. Tired~ X.X

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yoo XD

Yoo! Ahaha! Just Came Back From A Tiring Day, DnT In The Morning And Then Badminton. Whooosh! Played Like Mad. LOL. After Finish Went Home Rest.. Tiring Mah~ What You Think? Not So Easy.. So On-ed The Com And Suddenly Feel Like Making A Pic.. So Its Down There~ XD Nothing Else.. Hehe! Cya~


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


*Dk What To Write Now~


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tempting Tuesday.. Huh?

Yoo! So Today.. Not So Good.. First, Nose Bleed. Second, Bit My Tongue. LOL! So Clumsy Sia... =.= But Everythings Better Now. Ahahaha!! Now Nothing To Do~ Weeeeeee~


Monday, June 14, 2010


Nothing New Today, Just Scratched Myself Accidentally Whille Playing Badminton.. Deep. X.X LOL. A Song?


What if I walked without you?
What if I ran without you?
What if I stand without you?
I could not go on

What if I lived without you?
What if I loved without you?
What if I died without you?
I could not go on

You left my side tonight
And I, I just don't feel right
But I, I can't let you out of sight
Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all

What if I lie without you?
And what if I rise without you?
And what if I dream without you?
I could not go on

You left my side tonight
And I, I just don't feel right
But I, I can't let you out of sight
Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all

You left my side tonight
And I just don't feel right
I can't let you out of sight
Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all

You left my side tonight
And I, I just don't feel right
But I, I can't let you out of sight
Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all
Nothing at all

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back XD

Nothing New.. Just Considering Whether To Play Badminton Tmr.. What Da Ya Think? Ahaha!! (: So.. Now Going To Play Sudden Attack With Akid?? See How~ XD


Boring Day Today~ );

Today.. Raining.. Cool Weather.. Ahaha!! XDD Dunno What To Do Now... >< Tell Me?


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Hmm, Today.. Just Feel Happy*. XP Did Nothing Much Today~ So Won't Write A Lot. Just Did Some Fixing Of Computers, And It Didn't Work... So Still Finding Solutions to It. Ahahaha! So.. Will Update This Again Later..


Friday, June 11, 2010


Hey Guyz & Gals, Back From Playing Badminton. Almost Got Killed 3 Times Today.. 2 Times By A Flying Racket, One Time By Car! What Was I Doing? LOL.. So Came Back Home, Feeling Exhausted. X.X Need To Take A Break From Exercise, If Not, MyLegs Will Break. Haha.. So Till Next Time I Guess? XP

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Hmm, Today?

Maybe Going To Play Badminton Today? Ahaha! And Walao!! My Phone De Msges In Inbox All Gone. WTF?! Stupid Me For Not Making Backups. T_T Haiya.. Mood Loss Liao. ;X Later Zai Update This.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some Writing~

Today Nothing Much To Post.. LOL.. SO Nothing Much To Write, Tmr Playing Badminton? See How First Bah.. Ahaha!! Till Next Time~


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Journey Home~

Got Nothing To Do While Going home, So Took Pics. LOL! Oh And Dun Forget To Check Out My Playing Of "Afterlife" Below!! XD Cya On The Next Post~


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Just Recorded A Song From My Guitar Playing~ XD

The Original Is Here~

And Mine Is Here~

Monday, June 7, 2010

Life Starts Now!!!

What's Wrong With Me?

Whats Wrong With Me These Few Days?? I Think I Need A Wake Up Call, So Whenever You See Me In Sch, Whack Me In The Back, Just To Wake Me up From This Nightmare. Ahaha! Thanks. XD.. The More Whacks The Better, It Will Also Be Greatly Appreciated. (;

Boring + Tiring + Pain = Life Sucks.. LOL

Just Came Back From Sch.. Tired.. X.X Haisss.. Somemore Now Leg Starting To Pain Again.. Very Scary, I Scared Got Something Happening. T.T Just Hope Everything Will Be Alright~ );

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Idk What To Do... Mind In A Mess Right Now~

X.X.... Haisss... Received A Blow, Now I Dk What To Do.. But I Do BELIEVE.. Wahaha. :S Come'on Brain. Start Thinking!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Memory Will Never Die~

I whisper in your ear
The words you want to hear
You feel the wind and it reminds you
It happens everytime
You stop and close your eyes
You can't deny what lives inside you
Well I know it's hard to see
What is meant to be
When yesterday is so far behind you

Deep inside your soul knows I'm always there

You made me believe the day, you surrender to me
The memory will never die
The love that you gave
I'll never throw it away
The memory will never die

The tides take a turn
Another lesson learned
I'm right here but still you wonder
Would you say that you need more
And it's not what it was before
Your on your own and going under

Deep inside your soul knows I'm always there

You made me believe the day you surrender to me
The memory will never die
The love that you gave
I'll never throw it away
The memory will never die

Whenever you wake up
Whenever you gave up
All that you had for nothing at all
The bed that you lay in
Remember you made it
And nobody's there to catch you when you fall

You made me believe the day you surrender to me
The memory will never die
The love that you gave
I'll never throw it away
The memory will never die

You made me believe the day you surrender to me
The memory will never die
The love that you gave
I'll never throw it away
The memory will never die.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: No

Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No

Girl: Choose–me or your life
Boy: My life

The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says…

The reason you never cross my mind is because you’re always on my mind.
The reason why I don’t like you is because I love you.
The reason I don’t want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn’t cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn’t live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I’m not willing to do you anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life.


Ahhaha.. Today, Woke Up Late, Because Slept So Well Ytd. LOL! Late For Maths~ Lucky No Teacher, Then Tio Scold By Mr Tan. ._. After Sch Go Home Straight XD Thats All~ =P

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nice And Sad Song...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Song* Almost Made Me Cry~


Today, Was Just Tiring. Thats All~ Tmr Will Also Be~ Maybe? LOL! XD Till Then..


The good life is what I need
Too many people stepping over me
The only thing that's been on my mind
The one thing I need before I die

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
All I want
is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
(the good life)

I don't really know who I am
It's time for me to take a stand
I need a change and I need it fast
I know that any day could be the last

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
All I want
is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

Hold on, hold on
I always wanted it this way
(you never wanted it this way)
Hold on, hold on
I always wanted this way
(you didn't ask for it this way)
I always wanted it this way

(the good life)
All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
All I want
is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
(the good life)
